Thursday, December 27, 2007

Christmas Party

The Christmas party was a blast isnt it? We had turkey, cheese cake, meatballs, pasta, ribs, fried chicken, ice cream, spagetthi, etc... phew~

Most important is we had the time of our lives.

Visual treats::

This drawing paling champion. Go ahead, make a wild guess.

Hebat leh... Can guess or not? Do post your answer in the "comment box" below :)

KianAun and AhKai: baju sama, pose pun sama. *haha*

A big thank you to everyone for contributing all the scrumptious food! And also for the presents bought for gift exchange. It wouldnt have been such a nice Christmas bonding session without the participation from you all.

Okay, time for a diet :P


5-inch-long milk drinker said...

NAT say: its a platyPUS!!!

Anonymous said...

i noe!!!UFO!!! leh??

jenneh said...

Nat: comelnya, platypus? haha. erm.looks more like a tortoise to me :P