Friday, September 19, 2008

Caregroup Photos

Lacking our camera (who is currently under going upgrading exercise in Canada), we make do with what we have and... Voila!! The pictures from the Caregroup No 3 in Uncle William's palace

Perhaps this should not be the first picture. The "fei lo" ship part of the caregroup

Our 'Clarence' replacement that we had ordered but delivered late.

Our 'Clarence' replacement that they delivered wrongly but we still accepted. Looks better than the 'old' model though.

Now, I don't know much about music but somehow I picture the chords for the songs to be slightly different. Then again, what do I know.

Some of the caregroupies

Another hidden 'Clarence'. Here we were worried that we would not have any guitarist when Clarence left. God provided us three!!!


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