Friday, October 17, 2008

what did God created you as?

God has been speaking to me a lot lately. the past few weeks, i focused a lot on the bitterness part and now, God wants me to direct my focus back on the sweetness of life.

i've been meaning to put this up last night. but i was too tired from driving to church and picking up katan, karkoon and waikoon (got such thing ar?), plus i spent too much energy screaming in the car... so, yea... here goes! :)

our God is a creative God. when He created the heavens and the earth, He adds in colours, pump in music and zings our tastebuds.

hence, today, we lick away to the sweetness of an ice cream, we wince at the sour sensation of lemon and pulls away when our food is too salty.

the same applies to life -- it is all about flavours. and this is exactly the topic we had in caregroup last night.

quoting wanli, all of us carry different flavours. we have different personality. different character. different family background. different interests. different sense of fashion. and the list goes on.

we're all like goods in a supermarket that comes in different packaging and different sizes. some came as raisins -- soft and gentle. some as sprinkles -- beautiful in it's array of colours. some as syrup -- sweet and likeable. some as bananas -- giving us a healthy dose of protein in friendship. some as nuts -- crazy and lively. all these things when added together create the most superb ice cream in the whole world!

when life is not all sweet and dandy like sugar coated candy, this is where we, with our own specialty and uniquess all come in and work our magic. sprinkle faith to that person, rub some syrup to take away the bitterness and boost that person's confidence with a yellow banana.

these people need help!

as members of a big family, we're all here for each other. we lift each other up, we care, we share, we tease, we play, we laugh, we cry, we pray.

thanks katan, from the bottom of my heart

in life, sometimes it takes bitterness for one to appreciate sweetness. tragic isnt it? this kind of wake up call is the most painful of all... but God is good. in moments like this is where God will send people like you, you and you to be the syrup, bananas and nuts. toppings like this instantly spice up a dull looking ice cream into a presentable one. it will be hard phase to go thru, but at the end of the day, we'll savour the fruit of our hardship as we emerge as a better and stronger person.

there is nothing that we cannot do! we are Elim Youth! we are energetic and young, the next generation to take the baton and do great and mighty things for God! our differences groups us together and lift us to greater heights!

1 Corinthians 12:21

The eye cannot say to the hand, "I don't need you!"
And the head cannot say to the feet, "I don't need you!"

let's look around us. is there anyone waddling in the valley and is struggling to get out of it? is there anyone who needs our prayers? anyone who is sick? those sitting for their exam, do you know how their preparation is going?

God created each of us differently because the world would be a boring place if everyone acts the same, talks the same and behave the same.

God created me as a nut. what did God created you as?

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