Tuesday, April 6, 2010


All of us did have lots of fun playing with the kids and helping them colouring the Easter Egg. Though it was a bit last minute and not much preparation but by the grace of God, we all did quite a good job. So, well done guys!

Here are some of the pics from the visit

Not quite sure what Andrew is trying to show the kids.

Stevie seems to be enjoying himself very much with the post.


Eh, what’s up doc?

Yesus Pokok dan Kita Cabangnya…

The best designed Easter Egg Award for the nursery category.

The Primary

Lastly, the secondary

From the visit, what encouraged me the most is actually the initiative shown by our sister Eliza and also the support given by the youths in organising this visit. Well, a lot of you guys might be wondering why she initiated this. During one of our care group, all of us actually committed to do something as part of the ‘Change The World’ thingy and so Eliza took up this challenge.

Many of us attended the concert and I believe many of us already forgotten what the concert is all about. It’s not about the music, it’s not about the people but it’s about the world out there. Are we still sitting back in our comfort zone and pretend the world is doing fine or are we going to do something to make a difference?



tu xin said...

hey guess what, i remember one of the kids from our last visit years ago! check out my blog to see the pictures!

tu xin said...

i'll just post the link here..it's the same girl!
